Unemployment Update: Going Back on Unemployment Benefits Jobs Hiring Employment Veterans
Unemployment Update 11–28–20
Unemployment update, Unemployment Benefits Update, Unemployment Extension update veterans unemployment jobs hiring extended unemployment Wednesday, November 18th, 2020 (11–18–20).
Michigan has offered some advice to unemployment claimants across the state that have been forced to return to collecting these benefits.
Michigan’s unemployment office said in a statement: “Michiganders who were on unemployment, went back to work, and are now temporarily unemployed again can reopen their claim online.”
UIA Director Liza Estlund Olson explained: “The UIA has increased capacity, improved workflow, and other internal systems, and reduced red tape to meet the unprecedented level of claims that have been filed since the pandemic began. These efforts have positioned the agency to better deal with large fluctuations of demand if necessary.”
While it’s unfortunate that Michiganders must return to unemployment after going back to their jobs, it’s nice to know that the state is making the process to access these vital funds a little easier for those in the Great Lakes State.
Meanwhile, the VA, Veterans Affairs, has teamed up with the Labor Department to help American heroes find employment and secure housing during these troubled times.
The goal of the program is to: “help Veterans who are facing homelessness secure and maintain employment.”
The VA’s Homeless Programs Office detailed their efforts, explaining: “Veterans who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness receive ongoing support services, medical care, and housing. But employment is also a key element in helping Veterans avoid or exit homelessness.”
Through community outreach and other valuable neighborhood programs across the country, this program is available across America for struggling Veterans in need of housing and/or employment.
If you or someone you know can utilize these amazing programs, please visit the Department of Labor and VA’s websites for further details.
Finally, one industry seems to be in for quite the holiday season and is anticipating the need to hire upwards of 180,000 for seasonal and full-time employment in the coming weeks.
Delivery companies, including UPS, FedEx, and DHL, have all increased the number of employees needed for the busy holiday season, as more Americans than ever before will likely do most of their shopping online this year.
UPS claims to add as many as 100,000 positions, FedEx hopes to employ 70,000 new employees for the holiday rush, and DHL announced today that they will be adding 10,000 part time and full-time positions before 2021.
UPS chief human resource officer Charlene Thomas explained: “We’re preparing for a record peak holiday season.”
This echoes my unemployment video from earlier this week, where I talked about the need for truck drivers, especially women, across America.
If you or someone you know is looking for a job, UPS, FedEx, and DHL might be good places to start searching as we head into the busy December holiday season.
If you still haven’t applied for unemployment assistance, get over the hump on Hump Day and apply as soon as this video is over.
Just visit your state’s PUA or UI website, provide your employment history, and explain that you’re currently out of work due to that thing out there.
In no time at all, you could be eligible to receive a backdated unemployment check for $10,000.
To all of the gig-workers, self-employed, independent contractors, 1099 workers, even side hustlers, volunteers, and freelancers, the PUA was made for you and you can actually claim these unemployment benefits.
Don’t miss out on your chance to receive these incredible government unemployment benefits before they expire on December 31st.