Understanding the Rules of Society

Andrew Cartwright
3 min readFeb 11, 2020


Every social class views the rules of society differently.

About 20 years ago, I started digging into the rules of society and how different social classes interact with these restrictions. People are often hesitant to rules, since nobody likes being told what to do. What’s fascinating to me is how these rules that are determined by our society and that we all follow are interpreted differently by each social class.

I’ve learned that the four main social classes (poor, middle class, millionaires, billionaires) interact with these societal rules in their own unique way. It’s important to remember that these are just my opinions based on years of looking at social classes and how the people within these classes interact with society.

Poor people FIGHT rules

People that don’t make a lot of money typically have a problem with many of the rules of society and will rally against them at every turn. These people will curse at that 35 MPH sign on the road and are hesitant to authority and the guidelines of society that we have determined. They are not afraid of the consequences of society and will live their lives how they please. This includes criminals, who view society and their rules as a mere suggestion and don’t believe they are subject to these agreed upon social beliefs.

Middle class OBEY rules

Instead of fighting the rules like the poor class, the middle class obey the rules to a T. Often looking to maintain a status quo, these individuals put up with the laws of society. While they may be resistant to many societal rules, the consequences for breaking these laws outweigh the urge to disobey them. Even though they may not be happy with the rules, they will remain compliant and hesitant to cause any waves at the fear of the ramifications.

Millionaires PLAY by the rules

I’ve observed countless millionaires over the years and have determined that they will typically look at the rules of society like a game. They determine what are the rules to the game and will seek methods for winning the game. Rather than obeying the rules like the middle class, these people will take the given rules of society and make them work to their benefit. By taking a look at the game of life and the rules of society, they find out how to make the most money or become the most successful person possible given our societal standards.

Billionaires MAKE the rules

With limitless resources at their disposal, billionaires understand the influence of rules on society and will enforce their beliefs before the rules are even written. They strategically set themselves up to succeed with whatever rules are in place and will craft their own rules to keep themselves on top. By getting ahead of the rules and designing legislation to create and change existing rules, they are able to game the system and construct the society to their will.

I’ve noticed that both millionaires and billionaires that are willing to dive head first into the rules of society have the best chance to succeed. By understanding the rules and cooperating with them fully, you give yourself the best opportunity to win at the game of life.

As a millionaire looking to become a billionaire, I have created my own set of rules and am determined to dominate life and the rules that we all live by. To learn more about how you can elevate your life and begin playing by your own rules, contact me today.



Andrew Cartwright
Andrew Cartwright

Written by Andrew Cartwright

Entrepreneur, Author, Coach, Researcher, Visionary Leader & Investor. 👀@ A&E, CBS, NBC, ABC. www.andrewcartwright.com Expert Real Estate, Business & Technology

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