Try Out These Unexpected Ways to Raise Your Credit Score

Andrew Cartwright
3 min readApr 14, 2022
Photo by Avery Evans on Unsplash

Having a low credit score may make you feel desperate on top of making you feel absolutely stressed out. There’s no need to stress. There are so many ways to raise that credit score and eliminate your debt relatively fast… even some rather unconventional ways.

Have you considered trying any of these?

Change Your Car Insurance

I’ve talked about this option before, but you might be paying too much on car insurance. Without sounding too much like a Geico commercial, have you seriously considered switching? It’s recommended that you revisit your car insurance every 6 months to make sure you’re getting the best deal that’s available to you.

This is a surprising but effective money-saving tactic. It’s worth considering if you want to re-allocate some of your funds toward paying off your credit card debt.

Write the Credit Reporters a Nice Letter… Seriously

Let’s be honest, in most cases your credit score dipped a little bit because of a misstep here and there. If you’ve been keeping up with credit card and loan payments for a while now, but you missed a few payments because of a lack of funds, or you underpaid, you shouldn’t have to receive the blow that you do.



Andrew Cartwright

Entrepreneur, Author, Coach, Researcher, Visionary Leader & Investor. 👀@ A&E, CBS, NBC, ABC. Expert Real Estate, Business & Technology