FINALLY Some Good News! Second Stimulus Check Check + Unemployment Benefits
Here’s your daily stimulus check, your second stimulus check, your executive action, order, memorandums, moratoriums, and stimulus package update for Saturday, December 5th, 2020.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, “there is momentum” toward a coronavirus stimulus deal after new data Friday showed sluggish jobs growth.
Democratic leaders, who have for months called for a package cited the jobs report as new justification that Congress needs to act.
Pelosi described the data as, “further indicative of the need for us to crush the virus so the economy can get going.”
Meanwhile, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said, “this latest jobs report shows the need for strong, urgent emergency relief is more important than ever.”
Even President-elect Joe Biden said he was “encouraged” by the renewed push to pass a stimulus deal.
As the debate over the next round of coronavirus relief from Congress, additional $1,200 stimulus checks could be on the chopping block.
There are still a sizeable number of issues impeding an agreement on a massive spending package that would increase agency budgets for the rest of the year.
There has been no word lately about whether stimulus checks are included in that $908 billion relief deal.
So far the proposal that was released Tuesday by a bipartisan of lawmakers includes $300 weekly unemployment benefits but there is still debate about how retroactive this could be.
They are also in discussion of extending the unemployment programs that allow gig workers, eviction moratoriums, and another round of money in the Paycheck Protection Program.
According to CNN, the proposal even includes an extension of the program that allows unemployed Americans to get 39 weeks instead of 26.
Pelosi is insisting that the omnibus spending bill would get completed by its December 11 deadline and is showing optimistic signs by adding that “it must get done before we leave.”
While signaling her willingness to accept the downsized package, the Speaker pointed to a shifting pandemic dynamic since stimulus negotiations in October.
Though she said lawmakers “have time” to work on stimulus, Pelosi insisted the omnibus would get completed before they leave.
She said that passing this bill would be “at best, just a start” adding that it’s less than Democrats want but enough to temporarily temper need “with the hope that much more help is on the way.”
We finally are seeing some positive moves over in Congress that is ensuring us that we will get one passed sooner than we might think.