Dogecoin to the Moon?

Despite its origin, investors are taking a keen interest in the latest cryptocurrency.

Andrew Cartwright
3 min readApr 23, 2021
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Dogecoin originally started as a joke, but it has reached new heights these last few months than the S&P 500 surprising many investors.

Dogecoin really took off in 2021 making it the fifth-largest cryptocurrency in the market.

Despite its origin, investors are taking a keen interest in the latest cryptocurrency.

Just like in the GameStop frenzy, Dogecoin started as a popular meme featuring a Shiba Inu dog as a way for crypto investors to poke fun at Bitcoin.

But it really began to gain popularity on Reddit’s WallStreetBets message board where they had promised “to propel its value “to the moon.”

It reached new heights when Elon Musk voiced his support by calling Dogecoin the “people’s crypto” in a series of tweets and promised to “put a literal Dogecoin on the literal moon.”

Shark Tank investor Mark Cuban even explained in March that his NBA, the Dallas Mavericks, will accept Dogecoin for purchases.

He recently tweeted that, “Mavericks’ sales in dogecoin have increased 550%.”

Dogecoin is similar to Bitcoin in that it runs on Blockchain technology and uses…



Andrew Cartwright

Entrepreneur, Author, Coach, Researcher, Visionary Leader & Investor. 👀@ A&E, CBS, NBC, ABC. Expert Real Estate, Business & Technology